Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)


EMDR is a remarkable evidence-based therapy for the healing of trauma.

This therapeutic approach works with trauma that has lodged itself into the nervous system and, through bilateral movements, allows the nervous system to reprocess and correctly store the memories. This is similar to what the brain and nervous system do in REM sleep.

The result is that we soften some of the difficult memories - instead of the past intruding onto the present, the memory becomes more distant, like watching scenes that are familiar but don’t send the nervous system into overdrive. Physical symptoms ease, emotions become more manageable, and finding a more integrated, peaceful experience is possible.

Some people feel relief in a few sessions, and others may need more time to gently unwind their traumatic experiences and reprocess the memoires.

I work with EMDR in my client sessions, and also partner with other therapists that do not offer this modality for their clients. They may refer their client to me for a period of time to receive EMDR therapy, and then the client returns to their primary therapist.

Many clients are amazed at how quickly and lasting the benefits of EMDR can be, often experiencing a profound sense of healing and wholeness that traditional talk therapy may not offer.  

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