On Fear And Darkness In Our Heart And Psyche
As human beings we all have some dark places in our heart and psyche.
These are the pains, the disappointments, the traumas, the loss and grief. They are generally places we are afraid of.
As a therapist, I hear this in sessions all the time. It sounds like "If I let myself feel that pain, I'm afraid I will never survive it" or "If I allow those feelings to come forward I will be stuck in depression the rest of my life" or "I afraid to think about those things, I won't be able to handle it."
Does this sound familiar to you?
This is one of the reasons therapy is so valuable. There are ways to gently allow, feel, and think about those dark places and bring love, healing and relief to them. They want to be seen, heard, understood and given a voice. They are part of us. I believe when those parts are ignored they will end up causing much more damage then if we create space to have a relationship with them.
And...it turns out those places aren't as scary as we think they are. One client reported her "monsters turned to puppies" when she actually faced them.
So, as we work with this new lunar cycle, at a time when the Moon is dark, the Sun is debilitated and the external light is diminished with each passing day, remember that there is a lot of light inside to turn towards. And the fears can be managed. And if you feel that you need help with that, reach out for support.
Therapy can help you find your light again.