Vīrabhadrāsana to Boost Confidence

Vīrabhadrāsana is a powerful pose to add into your practice (unless you are Pitta provoked, then please only perform with short holds).
This pose is "the warrior pose" as it opens our chest and lungs and creates a feeling of openness and bravery to face what is coming our way. It increases Prana and allows the upper body to feel light, while also feeling grounded and stable in our lower body.
This pose is excellent for when you are feeling fearful of change and taking new steps in life. If you need a boost of confidence, step into this pose, hold and breathe deeply as long as you can. Make sure your breath is smooth and long, and feel it moving from the tips of your fingers down into the earth, feeling prana in all of your cells. Focus on the strength of your legs and the stability they impart to you. Don't force yourself to hold the position longer than is comfortable, you can step out of it and then step back in a few times to receive maximum benefit.
This is a great pose for Kapha conditions, when you are feeling tired and sluggish or slightly depressed. Put your focus on the chest, and lift your arms as high as they can reach. Allow your being to be filled with lightness as you breathe. If you know kapalabhati breathing, you can even do a few rounds while holding this pose.
To perform, stand with your feet hip distance apart, spine long, chin parallel to the floor and arms by your sides. Inhale, placing your hands on your hips, and when you exhale bend your left knee and step your right foot back a few feet. Ideally you want your right foot to remain flat on the floor, with the weight on the outside of the foot. Keep your back leg and knee straight. On your next inhale find the proper placement of your hips - imagine that your hip bones (which you can feel with your hands on your hips) are headlights and try to get them moving straight ahead as much as possible. You may have to adjust your back leg a bit, depending on how it feels in your lower back, and find the right bend of your front knee (your knee should be inline with your front heel). When your legs feel stable and rooted, lift your arms up by your ears on an inhale, and on the exhale reestablish your base. Feel your finger tips lifting your torso out of your bottom half, and feel your spine elongating. Breathe into the chest and feel your heart opening and expanding. Pull your scapulas down your back and shoulders away from the ears. Continue breathing, grounding into the legs and expanding the chest. When you feel complete, exhale and lower your hands back to your hips, then carefully step your back leg into your starting position, and lower your arms. Breathe. Switch sides when you are ready.
I suggest doing this pose in the morning, or early afternoon, and maybe less in the evening as it can be quite stimulating. This can be done before an important conversation, a meeting, or an interview. Or if you just need a little pick-me-up and re-charge of your willpower. Try it...and let me know if Vīrabhadrāsana is helpful to boost your confidence! Vīrabhadrāsana to Boost Confidence