The Moon - Our Mind

In Sanskrit, the Moon is called Chandra, which means illustrious or shining. This is indicative of a full moon, when this luminary is at its brightest and is shining for all to see as we marvel at its beauty.
In Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, the Moon is symbolic of the mind. When examining a clients chart I look for the position of the Moon to give me some details about how that persons mind is functioning. Because the Moon waxes and wanes, it can have different qualities in our birth chart. It can be bright and full, giving a self-assuredness and an outward personality, or it can be in the waning cycle, dark and close to the Sun which may foster a more introverted person who prefers quiet and solitude.
A strong and supported Moon can help us overcome life's obstacles while a weak and unsupported Moon may have us feeling that we just can't cope. Perhaps there are harsh aspects to it from malefic planets which bring depression and anxiety, or perhaps it is in a position where we feel like we are stuck.
The Moon is also an indicator of our mother, and the type of relationship we have with her. This can be very important to understand in our healing work.